App:Library:LVGL:docs:Widgets:Gauge (lv gauge)

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Gauge (lv_gauge)


英文 自動翻訳

The gauge is a meter with scale labels and one or more needles.

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Parts and Styles

英文 自動翻訳
The Gauge's main part is called LV_GAUGE_PART_MAIN. It draws a background using the typical background style properties and "minor" scale lines using the line and scale style properties.

It also uses the text properties to set the style of the scale labels. pad_inner is used to set space between the scale lines and the scale labels.

LV_GAUGE_PART_MAJOR is a virtual part which describes the major scale lines (where labels are added) using the line and scale style properties.

LV_GAUGE_PART_NEEDLE is also virtual part and it describes the needle(s) via the line style properties.

The size and the typical background properties are used to describe a rectangle (or circle) in the pivot point of the needle(s).

pad_inner is used to to make the needle(s) smaller than the outer radius of the scale lines.

ゲージの主要部分は、LV_GAUGE_PART_MAINと呼ばれます。 典型的なバックグラウンドスタイルのプロパティと、ラインおよびスケールスタイルのプロパティを使用して「マイナー」スケールラインを使用して背景を描画します。

また、テキストプロパティを使用して、スケールラベルのスタイルを設定します。 PAD_INNERは、スケールラインとスケールラベルの間にスペースを設定するために使用されます。





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Set value and needles

英文 自動翻訳
The gauge can show more than one needle.

Use the lv_gauge_set_needle_count(gauge, needle_num, color_array) function to set the number of needles and an array with colors for each needle.

The array must be static or global variable because only its pointer is stored.

You can use lv_gauge_set_value(gauge, needle_id, value) to set the value of a needle.


lv_gauge_set_needle_count(gauge, needle_num, color_array)関数を使用して、各針の色の針と配列を設定します。


lv_gauge_set_value(gauge, needle_id, value)を使用して、針の値を設定できます。

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英文 自動翻訳
You can use the lv_gauge_set_scale(gauge, angle, line_num, label_cnt) function to adjust the scale angle and the number of the scale lines and labels.

The default settings are 220 degrees, 6 scale labels, and 21 lines.

The scale of the Gauge can have offset.

It can be adjusted with lv_gauge_set_angle_offset(gauge, angle).

llv_gauge_set_scale(gauge, angle, line_num, label_cnt)関数を使用して、スケール角とスケールラインとラベルの数を調整できます。



lv_gauge_set_angle_offset(gauge, angle)で調整できます。

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英文 自動翻訳
The range of the gauge can be specified by lv_gauge_set_range(gauge, min, max).

The default range is 0..100.



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Needle image

英文 自動翻訳
An images also can be used as needles.

The image should point to the right (like ==>). To set an image use lv_gauge_set_needle_img(gauge1, &img, pivot_x, pivot_y).

pivot_x and pivot_y are offset of the rotation center from the top left corner.

Images will be recolored to the needle's color with image_recolor_opa intensity coming from the styles in LV_GAUGE_PART_NEEDLE.

An images also can be used as needles.

The image should point to the right (like ==>). To set an image use lv_gauge_set_needle_img(gauge1, &img, pivot_x, pivot_y).

pivot_x and pivot_y are offset of the rotation center from the top left corner.

Images will be recolored to the needle's color with image_recolor_opa intensity coming from the styles in LV_GAUGE_PART_NEEDLE.

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Critical value

英文 自動翻訳
To set a critical value, use lv_gauge_set_critical_value(gauge, value).

The scale color will be changed to scale_end_color after this value.

The default critical value is 80.

臨界値を設定するには、lv_gauge_set_critical_value(gauge, value) を使用します。

この値を境に、スケールカラーは scale_end_color に変更されます。

デフォルトの臨界値は 80 です。

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英文 自動翻訳
Only the Generic events are sent by the object type.

Learn more about Events.



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No Keys are processed by the object type.

Learn more about Keys.



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Simple Gauge

LVGL Lib docs SimpleGauge.png
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