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2022年6月27日 (月) 10:07時点におけるTakashi (トーク | 投稿記録)による版

英文 自動翻訳


Styles are used to set the appearance of objects. Styles in lvgl are heavily inspired by CSS. The concept in a nutshell is as follows:

  • A style is an lv_style_t variable which can hold properties like border width, text color and so on. It's similar to a class in CSS.
  • Styles can be assigned to objects to change their appearance. Upon assignment, the target part (pseudo-element in CSS) and target state (pseudo class) can be specified. For example one can add style_blue to the knob of a slider when it's in pressed state.
  • The same style can be used by any number of objects.
  • Styles can be cascaded which means multiple styles may be assigned to an object and each style can have different properties. Therefore, not all properties have to be specified in a style. LVGL will search for a property until a style defines it or use a default if it's not specified by any of the styles. For example style_btn can result in a default gray button and style_btn_red can add only a background-color=red to overwrite the background color.
  • The most recently added style has higher precedence. This means if a property is specified in two styles the newest style in the object will be used.
  • Some properties (e.g. text color) can be inherited from a parent(s) if it's not specified in an object.
  • Objects can also have local styles with higher precedence than "normal" styles.
  • Unlike CSS (where pseudo-classes describe different states, e.g. :focus), in LVGL a property is assigned to a given state.
  • Transitions can be applied when the object changes state.


The objects can be in the combination of the following states:

  • LV_STATE_DEFAULT (0x0000) Normal, released state
  • LV_STATE_CHECKED (0x0001) Toggled or checked state
  • LV_STATE_FOCUSED (0x0002) Focused via keypad or encoder or clicked via touchpad/mouse
  • LV_STATE_FOCUS_KEY (0x0004) Focused via keypad or encoder but not via touchpad/mouse
  • LV_STATE_EDITED (0x0008) Edit by an encoder
  • LV_STATE_HOVERED (0x0010) Hovered by mouse (not supported now)
  • LV_STATE_PRESSED (0x0020) Being pressed
  • LV_STATE_SCROLLED (0x0040) Being scrolled
  • LV_STATE_DISABLED (0x0080) Disabled state
  • LV_STATE_USER_1 (0x1000) Custom state
  • LV_STATE_USER_2 (0x2000) Custom state
  • LV_STATE_USER_3 (0x4000) Custom state
  • LV_STATE_USER_4 (0x8000) Custom state

An object can be in a combination of states such as being focused and pressed at the same time. This is represented as LV_STATE_FOCUSED | LV_STATE_PRESSED.

A style can be added to any state or state combination. For example, setting a different background color for the default and pressed states. If a property is not defined in a state the best matching state's property will be used. Typically this means the property with LV_STATE_DEFAULT is used.˛ If the property is not set even for the default state the default value will be used. (See later)

But what does the "best matching state's property" really mean? States have a precedence which is shown by their value (see in the above list). A higher value means higher precedence. To determine which state's property to use let's take an example. Imagine the background color is defined like this:

  1. Initially the object is in the default state, so it's a simple case: the property is perfectly defined in the object's current state as white.
  2. When the object is pressed there are 2 related properties: default with white (default is related to every state) and pressed with gray. The pressed state has 0x0020 precedence which is higher than the default state's 0x0000 precedence, so gray color will be used.
  3. When the object is focused the same thing happens as in pressed state and red color will be used. (Focused state has higher precedence than default state).
  4. When the object is focused and pressed both gray and red would work, but the pressed state has higher precedence than focused so gray color will be used.
  5. It's possible to set e.g. rose color for LV_STATE_PRESSED | LV_STATE_FOCUSED. In this case, this combined state has 0x0020 + 0x0002 = 0x0022 precedence, which is higher than the pressed state's precedence so rose color would be used.
  6. When the object is in the checked state there is no property to set the background color for this state. So for lack of a better option, the object remains white from the default state's property.

Some practical notes:

  • The precedence (value) of states is quite intuitive, and it's something the user would expect naturally. E.g. if an object is focused the user will still want to see if it's pressed, therefore the pressed state has a higher precedence. If the focused state had a higher precedence it would overwrite the pressed color.
  • If you want to set a property for all states (e.g. red background color) just set it for the default state. If the object can't find a property for its current state it will fall back to the default state's property.
  • Use ORed states to describe the properties for complex cases. (E.g. pressed + checked + focused)
  • It might be a good idea to use different style elements for different states. For example, finding background colors for released, pressed, checked + pressed, focused, focused + pressed, focused + pressed + checked, etc. states is quite difficult. Instead, for example, use the background color for pressed and checked states and indicate the focused state with a different border color.

Cascading styles

It's not required to set all the properties in one style. It's possible to add more styles to an object and have the latter added style modify or extend appearance. For example, create a general gray button style and create a new one for red buttons where only the new background color is set.

This is much like in CSS when used classes are listed like <div class=".btn .btn-red">.

Styles added later have precedence over ones set earlier. So in the gray/red button example above, the normal button style should be added first and the red style second. However, the precedence of the states are still taken into account. So let's examine the following case:

  • the basic button style defines dark-gray color for the default state and light-gray color for the pressed state
  • the red button style defines the background color as red only in the default state

In this case, when the button is released (it's in default state) it will be red because a perfect match is found in the most recently added style (red). When the button is pressed the light-gray color is a better match because it describes the current state perfectly, so the button will be light-gray.


Some properties (typically those related to text) can be inherited from the parent object's styles. Inheritance is applied only if the given property is not set in the object's styles (even in default state). In this case, if the property is inheritable, the property's value will be searched in the parents until an object specifies a value for the property. The parents will use their own state to determine the value. So if a button is pressed, and the text color comes from here, the pressed text color will be used.


Objects can be composed of parts which may each have their own styles.

The following predefined parts exist in LVGL:

  • LV_PART_MAIN A background like rectangle
  • LV_PART_SCROLLBAR The scrollbar(s)
  • LV_PART_INDICATOR Indicator, e.g. for slider, bar, switch, or the tick box of the checkbox
  • LV_PART_KNOB Like a handle to grab to adjust a value
  • LV_PART_SELECTED Indicate the currently selected option or section
  • LV_PART_ITEMS Used if the widget has multiple similar elements (e.g. table cells)
  • LV_PART_TICKS Ticks on scales e.g. for a chart or meter
  • LV_PART_CURSOR Mark a specific place e.g. text area's or chart's cursor
  • LV_PART_CUSTOM_FIRST Custom part identifiers can be added starting from here.

For example a Slider has three parts:

  • Background
  • Indicator
  • Knob

This means all three parts of the slider can have their own styles. See later how to add styles to objects and parts.

Initialize styles and set/get properties

Styles are stored in lv_style_t variables. Style variables should be static, global or dynamically allocated. In other words they cannot be local variables in functions which are destroyed when the function exits. Before using a style it should be initialized with lv_style_init(&my_style). After initializing a style, properties can be added or changed.

Property set functions looks like this: lv_style_set_<property_name>(&style, <value>); For example:

static lv_style_t style_btn;
lv_style_set_bg_color(&style_btn, lv_color_hex(0x115588));
lv_style_set_bg_opa(&style_btn, LV_OPA_50);
lv_style_set_border_width(&style_btn, 2);
lv_style_set_border_color(&style_btn, lv_color_black());

static lv_style_t style_btn_red;
lv_style_set_bg_color(&style_btn_red, lv_plaette_main(LV_PALETTE_RED));
lv_style_set_bg_opa(&style_btn_red, LV_OPA_COVER);

To remove a property use:

lv_style_remove_prop(&style, LV_STYLE_BG_COLOR);

To get a property's value from a style:

lv_style_value_t v;
lv_res_t res = lv_style_get_prop(&style, LV_STYLE_BG_COLOR, &v);
if(res == LV_RES_OK) {	/*Found*/

lv_style_value_t has 3 fields:

  • num for integer, boolean and opacity properties
  • color for color properties
  • ptr for pointer properties

To reset a style (free all its data) use:


Styles can be built as const too to save RAM:

const lv_style_const_prop_t style1_props[] = {
LV_STYLE_CONST_INIT(style1, style1_props);

Later const style can be used like any other style but (obviously) new properties can not be added.

Add and remove styles to a widget

A style on its own is not that useful. It must be assigned to an object to take effect.

Add styles

To add a style to an object use lv_obj_add_style(obj, &style, <selector>). <selector> is an OR-ed value of parts and state to which the style should be added. Some examples:

  • LV_STATE_PRESSED: The main part in pressed state. LV_PART_MAIN can be omitted
  • LV_PART_SCROLLBAR: The scrollbar part in the default state. LV_STATE_DEFAULT can be omitted.
  • LV_PART_SCROLLBAR | LV_STATE_SCROLLED: The scrollbar part when the object is being scrolled
  • LV_PART_INDICATOR | LV_STATE_PRESSED | LV_STATE_CHECKED The indicator part when the object is pressed and checked at the same time.

Using lv_obj_add_style:

lv_obj_add_style(btn, &style_btn, 0);      				  /*Default button style*/
lv_obj_add_style(btn, &btn_red, LV_STATE_PRESSED);  /*Overwrite only some colors to red when pressed*/

Remove styles

To remove all styles from an object use lv_obj_remove_style_all(obj).

To remove specific styles use lv_obj_remove_style(obj, style, selector). This function will remove style only if the selector matches with the selector used in lv_obj_add_style. style can be NULL to check only the selector and remove all matching styles. The selector can use the LV_STATE_ANY and LV_PART_ANY values to remove the style from any state or part.

Report style changes

If a style which is already assigned to an object changes (i.e. a property is added or changed), the objects using that style should be notified. There are 3 options to do this:

  1. If you know that the changed properties can be applied by a simple redraw (e.g. color or opacity changes) just call lv_obj_invalidate(obj) or lv_obj_invalidate(lv_scr_act()).
  2. If more complex style properties were changed or added, and you know which object(s) are affected by that style call lv_obj_refresh_style(obj, part, property). To refresh all parts and properties use lv_obj_refresh_style(obj, LV_PART_ANY, LV_STYLE_PROP_ANY).
  3. To make LVGL check all objects to see if they use a style and refresh them when needed, call lv_obj_report_style_change(&style). If style is NULL all objects will be notified about a style change.

Get a property's value on an object

To get a final value of property - considering cascading, inheritance, local styles and transitions (see below) - property get functions like this can be used: lv_obj_get_style_<property_name>(obj, <part>). These functions use the object's current state and if no better candidate exists they return a default value.   For example:

lv_color_t color = lv_obj_get_style_bg_color(btn, LV_PART_MAIN);

Local styles

In addition to "normal" styles, objects can also store local styles. This concept is similar to inline styles in CSS (e.g. <div style="color:red">) with some modification.

Local styles are like normal styles, but they can't be shared among other objects. If used, local styles are allocated automatically, and freed when the object is deleted. They are useful to add local customization to an object.

Unlike in CSS, LVGL local styles can be assigned to states (pseudo-classes) and parts (pseudo-elements).

To set a local property use functions like lv_obj_set_style_<property_name>(obj, <value>, <selector>);   For example:

lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(slider, lv_color_red(), LV_PART_INDICATOR | LV_STATE_FOCUSED);


For the full list of style properties click here.

Typical background properties

In the documentation of the widgets you will see sentences like "The widget uses the typical background properties". These "typical background properties" are the ones related to:

  • Background
  • Border
  • Outline
  • Shadow
  • Padding
  • Width and height transformation
  • X and Y translation


By default, when an object changes state (e.g. it's pressed) the new properties from the new state are set immediately. However, with transitions it's possible to play an animation on state change. For example, on pressing a button its background color can be animated to the pressed color over 300 ms.

The parameters of the transitions are stored in the styles. It's possible to set

  • the time of the transition
  • the delay before starting the transition
  • the animation path (also known as the timing or easing function)
  • the properties to animate

The transition properties can be defined for each state. For example, setting a 500 ms transition time in the default state means that when the object goes to the default state a 500 ms transition time is applied. Setting a 100 ms transition time in the pressed state causes a 100 ms transition when going to the pressed state. This example configuration results in going to the pressed state quickly and then going back to default slowly.

To describe a transition an lv_transition_dsc_t variable needs to be initialized and added to a style:

/*Only its pointer is saved so must static, global or dynamically allocated */
static const lv_style_prop_t trans_props[] = {
											0, /*End marker*/

static lv_style_transition_dsc_t trans1;
lv_style_transition_dsc_init(&trans1, trans_props, lv_anim_path_ease_out, duration_ms, delay_ms);

lv_style_set_transition(&style1, &trans1);

Color filter



Themes are a collection of styles. If there is an active theme LVGL applies it on every created widget. This will give a default appearance to the UI which can then be modified by adding further styles.

Every display can have a different theme. For example, you could have a colorful theme on a TFT and monochrome theme on a secondary monochrome display.

To set a theme for a display, two steps are required:

  1. Initialize a theme
  2. Assign the initialized theme to a display.

Theme initialization functions can have different prototypes. This example shows how to set the "default" theme:

lv_theme_t * th = lv_theme_default_init(display,  /*Use the DPI, size, etc from this display*/ 
                                        LV_COLOR_PALETTE_BLUE, LV_COLOR_PALETTE_CYAN,   /*Primary and secondary palette*/
                                        false,    /*Light or dark mode*/ 
                                        &lv_font_montserrat_10, &lv_font_montserrat_14, &lv_font_montserrat_18); /*Small, normal, large fonts*/
lv_disp_set_theme(display, th); /*Assign the theme to the display*/

The included themes are enabled in lv_conf.h. If the default theme is enabled by LV_USE_THEME_DEFAULT 1 LVGL automatically initializes and sets it when a display is created.

Extending themes

Built-in themes can be extended. If a custom theme is created, a parent theme can be selected. The parent theme's styles will be added before the custom theme's styles. Any number of themes can be chained this way. E.g. default theme -> custom theme -> dark theme.

lv_theme_set_parent(new_theme, base_theme) extends the base_theme with the new_theme.

There is an example for it below.


Size styles

LVGL docs example 004.png

Background styles

LVGL docs example 005.png

Border styles

LVGL docs example 006.png

Outline styles

LVGL docs example 007.png

Shadow styles

LVGL docs example 008.png

Image styles

LVGL docs example 009.png

Arc styles

LVGL docs overview style 07.png

Text styles

LVGL docs example 010.png

Line styles

LVGL docs example 011.png


LVGL docs example 012.png

Using multiple styles

LVGL docs example 013.png

Local styles

LVGL docs example 014.png

Add styles to parts and states

LVGL docs example 016.png

Extending the current theme

LVGL docs example 017.png



typedef uint8_t lv_blend_mode_t[1]
typedef uint8_t lv_te[2]xt_decor_t[3]
typedef uint8_t lv_bo[4]rder_side_t[5]
typedef uint8_t lv_gra[6]d_dir_t[7]
typedef uint8_t lv_[8]dither_mode_t[9]


enum [anonymous[10]][11]
Possible opt[12]ions how to blend opaque drawings Values:
enumerator LV_BLEND_MODE_NORMAL[13]
Simply mix according to the[14] opacity value
Add the respective color chan[16]nels
Subtract the foreground from the[18] background
Multiply the foreground and b[20]ackground
enumerator LV_BLEND_MODE_REPLACE[21]
Replace background with fore[22]ground in the area
enum [anonymous][23]
Some options[24] to apply decorations on texts. 'OR'ed values can be used. Values:
enumerator LV_TEXT_DECOR_NONE[25]
enumerator LV_TEXT_[26]DECOR_UNDERLINE[27]
enum [anonymous][30]
Sele[31]cts on w[32]hich sides border should be drawn 'OR'ed values can be used. Values:
enumerator LV_BORDER_SIDE_NONE[33]
enumerator LV_BORDER[34]_SIDE_BOTTOM[35]
enumerator LV_BORDER_S[36]IDE_TOP[37]
enumerator LV_BORDE[38]R_SIDE_LEFT[39]
enumerator LV_BORDER[40]_SIDE_RIGHT[41]
enumerator LV_BORDER_[42]SIDE_FULL[43]
enumerator LV_BORDER[44]_SIDE_INTERNAL[45]
FOR matrix-like objects (e.g. [46]Button matrix)
enum [anonymous][47]
The directio[48]n of the gradient. Values:
enumerator LV_GRAD_DIR_NONE[49]
No gradient (the grad_c[50]olor property is ignored)
enumerator LV_GRAD_DIR_VER[51]
Vertical (top to botto[52]m) gradient
enumerator LV_GRAD_DIR_HOR[53]
Horizontal (left to ri[54]ght) gradient
enum [anonymous][55]
The ditherin[56]g algorithm for the gradient Depends on LV_DITHER_GRADIENT Values:
enumerator LV_DITHER_NONE[57]
No dithering, colors [58]are just quantized to the output resolution
enumerator LV_DITHER_ORDERED[59]
Ordered dithering. Faste[60]r to compute and use less memory but lower quality
enumerator LV_DITHER_ERR_DIFF[61]
Error diffusion mode. Slo[62]wer to compute and use more memory but give highest dither quality
enum lv_style_prop_t[63]
Enumeration of a[64]ll built in style properties


enumerator LV_STYLE_PROP_INV[65]
enumerator LV_STYL[66]E_WIDTH[67]
enumerator LV_S[68]TYLE_MIN_WIDTH[69]
enumerator LV_STYLE[70]_MAX_WIDTH[71]
enumerator LV_STYLE[72]_HEIGHT[73]
enumerator LV_ST[74]YLE_MIN_HEIGHT[75]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[76]MAX_HEIGHT[77]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[78]X[79]
enumerator [80]LV_STYLE_Y[81]
enumerator [82]LV_STYLE_ALIGN[83]
enumerator LV_S[84]TYLE_TRANSFORM_WIDTH[85]
enumerator LV_STYLE_TRANS[86]FORM_HEIGHT[87]
enumerator LV_STYLE_TRANSL[88]ATE_X[89]
enumerator LV_STYLE_T[90]RANSLATE_Y[91]
enumerator LV_STYLE_T[92]RANSFORM_ZOOM[93]
enumerator LV_STYLE_TRAN[94]SFORM_ANGLE[95]
enumerator LV_STYLE_PAD_T[96]OP[97]
enumerator LV_STY[98]LE_PAD_BOTTOM[99]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[100]PAD_LEFT[101]
enumerator LV_STYL[102]E_PAD_RIGHT[103]
enumerator LV_STYLE[104]_PAD_ROW[105]
enumerator LV_STY[106]LE_PAD_COLUMN[107]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[108]BG_COLOR[109]
enumerator LV_STYL[110]E_BG_COLOR_FILTERED[111]
enumerator LV_STYLE_BG_OPA[112][113]
enumerator LV_ST[114]YLE_BG_GRAD_COLOR[115]
enumerator LV_STYLE_BG_[116]GRAD_COLOR_FILTERED[117]
enumerator LV_STYLE_BG_GRAD_DIR[118][119]
enumerator LV_STYLE_B[120]G_MAIN_STOP[121]
enumerator LV_STYLE_BG[122]_GRAD_STOP[123]
enumerator LV_STYLE_BG[124]_GRAD[125]
enumerator LV_STY[126]LE_BG_DITHER_MODE[127]
enumerator LV_STYLE_BG_I[128]MG_SRC[129]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[130]BG_IMG_OPA[131]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[132]BG_IMG_RECOLOR[133]
enumerator LV_STYLE_BG_IMG_RECOLO[136]R_OPA[137]
enumerator LV_STYLE_BG_IMG_T[138]ILED[139]
enumerator LV_STYLE_BO[140]RDER_COLOR[141]
enumerator LV_STYLE_BORDER_OPA[144][145]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[146]BORDER_WIDTH[147]
enumerator LV_STYLE_BO[148]RDER_SIDE[149]
enumerator LV_STYLE_B[150]ORDER_POST[151]
enumerator LV_STYLE_O[152]UTLINE_WIDTH[153]
enumerator LV_STYLE_OUT[154]LINE_COLOR[155]
enumerator LV_STYLE_OUTLINE_OPA[158][159]
enumerator LV_STYLE_O[160]UTLINE_PAD[161]
enumerator LV_STYLE_S[162]HADOW_WIDTH[163]
enumerator LV_STYLE_SH[164]ADOW_OFS_X[165]
enumerator LV_STYLE_SH[166]ADOW_OFS_Y[167]
enumerator LV_STYLE_SH[168]ADOW_SPREAD[169]
enumerator LV_STYLE_SHA[170]DOW_COLOR[171]
enumerator LV_STYLE_SHADOW_OPA[174][175]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[176]IMG_OPA[177]
enumerator LV_STY[178]LE_IMG_RECOLOR[179]
enumerator LV_STYLE_I[180]MG_RECOLOR_FILTERED[181]
enumerator LV_STYLE_IMG_RECOLO[182]R_OPA[183]
enumerator LV_STYLE_LINE_[184]WIDTH[185]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[186]LINE_DASH_WIDTH[187]
enumerator LV_STYLE_LINE_[188]DASH_GAP[189]
enumerator LV_STYLE_LIN[190]E_ROUNDED[191]
enumerator LV_STYLE_LI[192]NE_COLOR[193]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[194]LINE_COLOR_FILTERED[195]
enumerator LV_STYLE_LINE_OPA[196][197]
enumerator LV_STYL[198]E_ARC_WIDTH[199]
enumerator LV_STYLE[200]_ARC_ROUNDED[201]
enumerator LV_STYLE_A[202]RC_COLOR[203]
enumerator LV_STYLE[204]_ARC_COLOR_FILTERED[205]
enumerator LV_STYLE_ARC_OPA[206][207]
enumerator LV_STY[208]LE_ARC_IMG_SRC[209]
enumerator LV_STYLE_T[210]EXT_COLOR[211]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[212]TEXT_COLOR_FILTERED[213]
enumerator LV_STYLE_TEXT_OPA[214][215]
enumerator LV_STYL[216]E_TEXT_FONT[217]
enumerator LV_STYLE[218]_TEXT_LETTER_SPACE[219]
enumerator LV_STYLE_TEXT_LI[220]NE_SPACE[221]
enumerator LV_STYLE_TEXT_[222]DECOR[223]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[224]TEXT_ALIGN[225]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[226]RADIUS[227]
enumerator LV_ST[228]YLE_CLIP_CORNER[229]
enumerator LV_STYLE_O[230]PA[231]
enumerator LV[232]_STYLE_COLOR_FILTER_DSC[233]
enumerator LV_STYLE_COLOR_[234]FILTER_OPA[235]
enumerator LV_STYLE_ANIM_T[236]IME[237]
enumerator LV_STYLE[238]_ANIM_SPEED[239]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[240]TRANSITION[241]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[242]BLEND_MODE[243]
enumerator LV_STYLE_[244]LAYOUT[245]
enumerator LV_ST[246]YLE_BASE_DIR[247]
enumerator _LV_STY[248]LE_LAST_BUILT_IN_PROP[249]
enumerator LV_STYLE_PROP_ANY[250]


void lv_style_init(lv_style[252]_t *style)[253]
Initialize a style Note Do not [254]call lv_style_init on styles that already have some properties because this function won't free the used memory, just sets a default state for the style. In other words be sure to initialize styles only once!
style -- pointer to a style to initialize
void lv_style_reset(lv_style_t *style)[255]
Clear all properties from a style [256]and free all allocated memories.
style -- pointer to a style
lv_style_prop_t lv_style_register_prop(void)[257]
bool lv_style_remove_prop(lv_style[258]_t *style, lv_style_prop_t prop)[259]
Remove a property from a style
  • style -- poi[260]nter to a style
  • prop -- a style property ORed with a state.
true: the property was found and removed; false: the property wasn't found
void lv_style_set_prop(lv_style_t *style, lv_style_prop_t prop, lv_style_value_t value)[261]
Set the value of property in a style. This function shouldn't be used directly by t[262]he user. Instead use lv_style_set_<prop_name>(). E.g. lv_style_set_bg_color()
  • style -- pointer to style
  • prop -- the ID of a property (e.g. LV_STYLE_BG_COLOR)
  • value -- lv_style_value_t variable in which a field is set according to the type of prop
lv_res_t lv_style_get_prop(const lv_style_t *style, lv_style_prop_t prop, lv_style_value_t *value)[263]
Get the value of a property Note For performance reasons there are no sanity check on style [264]
  • style -- pointer to a style
  • prop -- the ID of a property
  • value -- pointer to a lv_style_value_t variable to store the value
LV_RES_INV: the property wasn't found in the style (value is unchanged) LV_RES_OK: the property was fond, and value is set accordingly
static inline lv_res_t lv_style_get_prop_inlined(const lv_style_t *style, lv_style_prop_t prop, lv_style_value_t *value)[265]
Get the value of a property Note For performance reasons there are no sanity check on style Note This function i[266]s the same as lv_style_get_prop but inlined. Use it only on performance critical places
  • style -- pointer to a style
  • prop -- the ID of a property
  • value -- pointer to a lv_style_value_t variable to store the value
LV_RES_INV: the property wasn't found in the style (value is unchanged) LV_RES_OK: the property was fond, and value is set accordingly
void lv_style_transition_dsc_init(lv_style_transition_dsc_t *tr, const lv_style_prop_t props[], lv_anim_path_cb_t path_cb, uint32_t time, uint32_t delay, void *user_data)[267]
lv_style_value_t lv_style_prop_get_default(lv_style_prop_t prop)[268]
Get the default value of a property
prop --[269] the ID of a property
the default value
bool lv_style_is_empty(const lv_style_t *style)[271]
Checks if a style is empty (has no properti[272]es)
style -- pointer to a style
true if the style is empty
uint8_t _lv_style_get_prop_group(lv_style_prop_t prop)[273]
Tell the group of a property. If the a property fr[274]om a group is set in a style the (1 << group) bit of style->has_group is set. It allows early skipping the style if the property is not exists in the style at all.
prop -- a style property
the group [0..7] 7 means all the custom properties with index > 112
static inline void lv_style_set_size(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_t value)[275]
static inline void lv_style_set_pad_all(lv_style_t *style, lv_c[276]oord_t value)[277]
static inline void lv_style_set_pad_hor(lv_style_t *style, lv_coor[278]d_t value)[279]
static inline void lv_style_set_pad_ver(lv_style_t *style, lv_coor[280]d_t value)[281]
static inline void lv_style_set_pad_gap(lv_style_t *style, lv_coor[282]d_t value)[283]
struct lv_gradient_stop_t[284]
#include <lv_style.h>[285] A gradient s[286]top definition. This matches a color and a position in a virtual 0-255 scale. Public Members
lv_color_t color[287]
The stop col[288]or
uint8_t frac[289]
The stop[290] position in 1/255 unit
struct lv_grad_dsc_t[291]
#include <lv_sty[292]le.h> A descriptor of a gradient. Public Members
lv_gradient_stop_t stops[LV_GRADIENT_MAX_STOPS][293]
A gradient stop array
uint8_t stops_co[294]unt[295]
The number of u[296]sed stops in the array
lv_grad_dir_t dir[297]
The gradient [298]direction. Any of LV_GRAD_DIR_HOR, LV_GRAD_DIR_VER, LV_GRAD_DIR_NONE
lv_dither_mode_t dither[299]
Whether to dither t[300]he gradient or not. Any of LV_DITHER_NONE, LV_DITHER_ORDERED, LV_DITHER_ERR_DIFF
union lv_style_value_t[301]
#include <lv_style[302].h> A common type to handle all the property types in the same way. Public Members
int32_t num[303]
Number [304]integer number (opacity, enums, booleans or "normal" numbers)
const void *ptr[305]
Constant po[306]inters (font, cone text, etc)
lv_color_t color[307]


struct lv_style_transition_dsc_t[309]
#include <lv_style.h> Descr[310]iptor for style transitions Public Members
const lv_style_prop_t *props[311]
An array with the proper[312]ties to animate.
void *user_data[313]
A custom us[314]er data that will be passed to the animation's user_data
lv_anim_path_cb_t path_xcb[315]
A path for the animati[316]on.
uint32_t time[317]
Duration [318]of the transition in [ms]
uint32_t delay[319]
Delay befo[320]re the transition in [ms]
struct lv_style_const_prop_t[321]
#include <lv_style.h> D[322]escriptor of a constant style property. Public Members
lv_style_prop_t prop[323]
lv_style_v[324]alue_t value[325]
struct lv_[326]style_t[327]
#include <lv_[328]style.h> Descriptor of a style (a collection of properties and values). Public Members
uint32_t sentinel[329]
lv_styl[330]e_value_t value1[331]
uint8_t *valu[332]es_and_props[333]
const lv_style_[334]const_prop_t *const_props[335]
union lv_style_t::[anonymous] [336]v_p[337]
uint16_t prop1[338]
uint[340]16_t is_const[341]
uint8_t[342] has_group[343]
uint8_t[344] prop_cnt


typedef void (*lv_theme_apply_cb_t)(struct _lv_theme_t*, lv_obj_t*)[345]
typedef struct _lv_theme_t lv_theme_t[346]



lv_theme_t *lv_t[348]heme_get_from_obj(lv_obj_t *obj)[349]
Get the theme assigned to the display of the[350] object
obj -- pointer to a theme object
the theme of the object's display (can be NULL)
void lv_theme_apply(lv_obj_t *obj)[351]
Apply the active theme on an o[352]bject
obj -- pointer to an object
void lv_theme_set_parent(lv_theme_t *new_theme, lv_theme_t *parent)[353]
Set a base theme for a theme. The styles from the base them wil[354]l be added before the styles of the current theme. Arbitrary long chain of themes can be created by setting base themes.
  • new_theme -- pointer to theme which base should be set
  • parent -- pointer to the base theme
void lv_theme_set_apply_cb(lv_theme_t *theme, lv_theme_apply_cb_t apply_cb)[355]
Set an apply callback for a theme. The apply callback is used to add st[356]yles to different objects
  • theme -- pointer to theme which callback should be set
  • apply_cb -- pointer to the callback
const lv_font_t *lv_theme_get_font_small(lv_obj_t *obj)[357]
Get the small font of the theme
ob[358]j -- pointer to an object
pointer to the font
const lv_font_t *lv_theme_get_font_normal(lv_obj_t *obj)[359]
Get the normal font of the theme
ob[360]j -- pointer to an object
pointer to the font
const lv_font_t *lv_theme_get_font_large(lv_obj_t *obj)[361]
Get the subtitle font of the theme
[362] obj -- pointer to an object
pointer to the font
lv_color_t lv_theme_get_color_primary(lv_obj_t *obj)[363]
Get the primary color of the theme
obj -- pointer to an object
the color
lv_color_t lv_theme_get_color_secondary(lv_obj_t *obj)[365]
Get the secondary color of the theme
obj -- pointer to an object
the color
struct _lv_theme_t[367]
Public Members[368]
lv_theme_apply_cb_t apply_cb[369]
struct _lv_theme_t[370] *parent[371]
Apply the current them[372]e's style on top of this theme.
void *user_data[373]
struc[374]t _lv_disp_t *disp[375]
lv_color_t co[376]lor_primary[377]
lv_color_t col[378]or_secondary[379]
const lv_font_t [380]*font_small[381]
const lv_font_t *[382]font_normal[383]
const lv_font_t *f[384]ont_large[385]
uint32_t flags [386]


static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_width(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[387]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_min_width(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, [388]uint32_t part)[389]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_max_width(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint[390]32_t part)[391]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_height(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_[392]t part)[393]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_min_height(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, [394]uint32_t part)[395]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_max_height(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint[396]32_t part)[397]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_x(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part[398])[399]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_y(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint[400]32_t part)[401]
static inline lv_align_t lv_obj_get_style_align(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, [402]uint32_t part)[403]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_transform_width(const struct _lv_obj_t [404]*obj, uint32_t part)[405]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_transform_height(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uin[406]t32_t part)[407]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_translate_x(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t [408]part)[409]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_translate_y(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint[410]32_t part)[411]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_transform_zoom(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, u[412]int32_t part)[413]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_transform_angle(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uin[414]t32_t part)[415]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_pad_top(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t par[416]t)[417]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_pad_bottom(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, u[418]int32_t part)[419]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_pad_left(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32[420]_t part)[421]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_pad_right(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uin[422]t32_t part)[423]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_pad_row(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32[424]_t part)[425]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_pad_column(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, u[426]int32_t part)[427]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_color(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32[428]_t part)[429]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_color_filtered(const struct _lv_obj_t *[430]obj, uint32_t part)[431]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[432] [433]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_grad_color(const struct _lv_obj_t *[434]obj, uint32_t part)[435]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_grad_color_filtered(const struct _lv_obj_t *[436]obj, uint32_t part)[437]
static inline lv_grad_dir_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_grad_dir(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t par[438]t)[439]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_main_stop(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32[440]_t part)[441]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_grad_stop(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint[442]32_t part)[443]
static inline const lv_grad_dsc_t *lv_obj_get_style_bg_grad(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj,[444] uint32_t part)[445]
static inline lv_dither_mode_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_dither_mode(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, u[446]int32_t part)[447]
static inline const void *lv_obj_get_style_bg_img_src(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part[448])[449]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_img_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_[450]t part)[451]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_img_recolor(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj[452], uint32_t part)[453]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_img_recolor_filtered(const struct _lv_obj_t *[454]obj, uint32_t part)[455]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_bg_img_recolor_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t pa[456]rt)[457]
static inline bool lv_obj_get_style_bg_img_tiled(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[458][459]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_border_color(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj[460], uint32_t part)[461]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_border_color_filtered(const struct _lv_obj_t *[462]obj, uint32_t part)[463]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_border_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[464] [465]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_border_width(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, [466]uint32_t part)[467]
static inline lv_border_side_t lv_obj_get_style_border_side(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj,[468] uint32_t part)[469]
static inline bool lv_obj_get_style_border_post(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[470] [471]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_outline_width(const struct _lv_obj_t *o[472]bj, uint32_t part)[473]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_outline_color(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint[474]32_t part)[475]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_outline_color_filtered(const struct _lv_obj_t *[476]obj, uint32_t part)[477]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_outline_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[478] [479]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_outline_pad(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, ui[480]nt32_t part)[481]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_shadow_width(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uin[482]t32_t part)[483]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_shadow_ofs_x(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint[484]32_t part)[485]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_shadow_ofs_y(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint[486]32_t part)[487]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_shadow_spread(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uin[488]t32_t part)[489]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_shadow_color(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint3[490]2_t part)[491]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_shadow_color_filtered(const struct _lv_obj_t *[492]obj, uint32_t part)[493]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_shadow_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[494] [495]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_img_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_[496]t part)[497]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_img_recolor(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj[498], uint32_t part)[499]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_img_recolor_filtered(const struct _lv_obj_t *[500]obj, uint32_t part)[501]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_img_recolor_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t pa[502]rt)[503]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_line_width(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_[504]t part)[505]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_line_dash_width(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj,[506] uint32_t part)[507]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_line_dash_gap(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32[508]_t part)[509]
static inline bool lv_obj_get_style_line_rounded(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t pa[510]rt)[511]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_line_color(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, [512]uint32_t part)[513]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_line_color_filtered(const struct _lv_obj_t *[514]obj, uint32_t part)[515]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_line_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[516] [517]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_arc_width(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, u[518]int32_t part)[519]
static inline bool lv_obj_get_style_arc_rounded(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t[520] part)[521]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_arc_color(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, [522]uint32_t part)[523]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_arc_color_filtered(const struct _lv_obj_t *[524]obj, uint32_t part)[525]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_arc_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[526] [527]
static inline const void *lv_obj_get_style_arc_img_src(const struct _lv_obj_t *ob[528]j, uint32_t part)[529]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_text_color(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32[530]_t part)[531]
static inline lv_color_t lv_obj_get_style_text_color_filtered(const struct _lv_obj_t *[532]obj, uint32_t part)[533]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_text_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[534] [535]
static inline const lv_font_t *lv_obj_get_style_text_font(const struct _lv_obj_t *[536]obj, uint32_t part)[537]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_text_letter_space(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, ui[538]nt32_t part)[539]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_text_line_space(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32[540]_t part)[541]
static inline lv_text_decor_t lv_obj_get_style_text_decor(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint[542]32_t part)[543]
static inline lv_text_align_t lv_obj_get_style_text_align(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint[544]32_t part)[545]
static inline lv_coord_t lv_obj_get_style_radius(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part[546])[547]
static inline bool lv_obj_get_style_clip_corner(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint3[548]2_t part)[549]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t[550] part)[551]
static inline const lv_color_filter_dsc_t *lv_obj_get_style_color_filter_dsc([552]const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[553]
static inline lv_opa_t lv_obj_get_style_color_filter_opa(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[554]


static inline uint32_t lv_obj_get_style_anim_time(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t pa[556]rt)[557]
static inline uint32_t lv_obj_get_style_anim_speed(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uin[558]t32_t part)[559]
static inline const lv_style_transition_dsc_t *lv_obj_get_style_transition(const str[560]uct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[561]
static inline lv_blend_mode_t lv_obj_get_style_blend_mode(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[562]
static inline uint16_t lv_obj_get_style_layout(const struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t part)[564][565]
static inline lv_base_dir_t lv_obj_get_style_base_dir(const struct _lv_obj_t *ob[566]j, uint32_t part)[567]
void lv_obj_set_style_width(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_[568]t selector)[569]
void lv_obj_set_style_min_width(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_select[570]or_t selector)[571]
void lv_obj_set_style_max_width(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t[572] selector)[573]
void lv_obj_set_style_height(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t se[574]lector)[575]
void lv_obj_set_style_min_height(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_select[576]or_t selector)[577]
void lv_obj_set_style_max_height(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t[578] selector)[579]
void lv_obj_set_style_x(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector[580])[581]
void lv_obj_set_style_y(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t[582] selector)[583]
void lv_obj_set_style_align(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_align_t value, lv_style_select[584]or_t selector)[585]
void lv_obj_set_style_transform_width(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_[586]selector_t selector)[587]
void lv_obj_set_style_transform_height(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_[588]t selector)[589]
void lv_obj_set_style_translate_x(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t sele[590]ctor)[591]
void lv_obj_set_style_translate_y(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t[592] selector)[593]
void lv_obj_set_style_transform_zoom(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selecto[594]r_t selector)[595]
void lv_obj_set_style_transform_angle(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_[596]t selector)[597]
void lv_obj_set_style_pad_top(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t selecto[598]r)[599]
void lv_obj_set_style_pad_bottom(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selecto[600]r_t selector)[601]
void lv_obj_set_style_pad_left(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t s[602]elector)[603]
void lv_obj_set_style_pad_right(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_[604]t selector)[605]
void lv_obj_set_style_pad_row(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t s[606]elector)[607]
void lv_obj_set_style_pad_column(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selecto[608]r_t selector)[609]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_selector_t s[610]elector)[611]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_color_filtered(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_s[612]elector_t selector)[613]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[614] [615]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_grad_color(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_s[616]elector_t selector)[617]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_grad_color_filtered(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_s[618]elector_t selector)[619]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_grad_dir(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_grad_dir_t value, lv_style_selector_t selecto[620]r)[621]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_main_stop(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t s[622]elector)[623]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_grad_stop(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t[624] selector)[625]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_grad(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, const lv_grad_dsc_t *value, lv_style_selec[626]tor_t selector)[627]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_dither_mode(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_dither_mode_t value, lv_style_selecto[628]r_t selector)[629]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_img_src(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, const void *value, lv_style_selector_t selector[630])[631]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_img_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t se[632]lector)[633]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_img_recolor(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_sele[634]ctor_t selector)[635]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_img_recolor_filtered(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_s[636]elector_t selector)[637]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_img_recolor_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t select[638]or)[639]
void lv_obj_set_style_bg_img_tiled(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, bool value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[640][641]
void lv_obj_set_style_border_color(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_sele[642]ctor_t selector)[643]
void lv_obj_set_style_border_color_filtered(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_s[644]elector_t selector)[645]
void lv_obj_set_style_border_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[646] [647]
void lv_obj_set_style_border_width(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_select[648]or_t selector)[649]
void lv_obj_set_style_border_side(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_border_side_t value, lv_style_selec[650]tor_t selector)[651]
void lv_obj_set_style_border_post(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, bool value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[652] [653]
void lv_obj_set_style_outline_width(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_se[654]lector_t selector)[655]
void lv_obj_set_style_outline_color(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_selector_t[656] selector)[657]
void lv_obj_set_style_outline_color_filtered(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_s[658]elector_t selector)[659]
void lv_obj_set_style_outline_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[660] [661]
void lv_obj_set_style_outline_pad(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector[662]_t selector)[663]
void lv_obj_set_style_shadow_width(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_[664]t selector)[665]
void lv_obj_set_style_shadow_ofs_x(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t[666] selector)[667]
void lv_obj_set_style_shadow_ofs_y(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t[668] selector)[669]
void lv_obj_set_style_shadow_spread(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_[670]t selector)[671]
void lv_obj_set_style_shadow_color(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_selector_t [672]selector)[673]
void lv_obj_set_style_shadow_color_filtered(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_s[674]elector_t selector)[675]
void lv_obj_set_style_shadow_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[676] [677]
void lv_obj_set_style_img_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t se[678]lector)[679]
void lv_obj_set_style_img_recolor(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_sele[680]ctor_t selector)[681]
void lv_obj_set_style_img_recolor_filtered(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_s[682]elector_t selector)[683]
void lv_obj_set_style_img_recolor_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t select[684]or)[685]
void lv_obj_set_style_line_width(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t se[686]lector)[687]
void lv_obj_set_style_line_dash_width(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selec[688]tor_t selector)[689]
void lv_obj_set_style_line_dash_gap(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t s[690]elector)[691]
void lv_obj_set_style_line_rounded(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, bool value, lv_style_selector_t select[692]or)[693]
void lv_obj_set_style_line_color(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_select[694]or_t selector)[695]
void lv_obj_set_style_line_color_filtered(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_s[696]elector_t selector)[697]
void lv_obj_set_style_line_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[698] [699]
void lv_obj_set_style_arc_width(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selecto[700]r_t selector)[701]
void lv_obj_set_style_arc_rounded(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, bool value, lv_style_selector_t sel[702]ector)[703]
void lv_obj_set_style_arc_color(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_select[704]or_t selector)[705]
void lv_obj_set_style_arc_color_filtered(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_s[706]elector_t selector)[707]
void lv_obj_set_style_arc_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[708] [709]
void lv_obj_set_style_arc_img_src(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, const void *value, lv_style_sel[710]ector_t selector)[711]
void lv_obj_set_style_text_color(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_selector_t s[712]elector)[713]
void lv_obj_set_style_text_color_filtered(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_color_t value, lv_style_s[714]elector_t selector)[715]
void lv_obj_set_style_text_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[716] [717]
void lv_obj_set_style_text_font(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, const lv_font_t *value, lv_style_s[718]elector_t selector)[719]
void lv_obj_set_style_text_letter_space(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector[720]_t selector)[721]
void lv_obj_set_style_text_line_space(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t s[722]elector)[723]
void lv_obj_set_style_text_decor(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_text_decor_t value, lv_style_selector_t[724] selector)[725]
void lv_obj_set_style_text_align(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_text_align_t value, lv_style_selector_t[726] selector)[727]
void lv_obj_set_style_radius(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_coord_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector[728])[729]
void lv_obj_set_style_clip_corner(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, bool value, lv_style_selector_t [730]selector)[731]
void lv_obj_set_style_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t sel[732]ector)[733]
void lv_obj_set_style_color_filter_dsc(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, const lv_color_filter_[734]dsc_t *value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[735]
void lv_obj_set_style_color_filter_opa(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_opa_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[736]


void lv_obj_set_style_anim_time(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t value, lv_style_selector_t select[738]or)[739]
void lv_obj_set_style_anim_speed(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint32_t value, lv_style_selector_[740]t selector)[741]
void lv_obj_set_style_transition(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, const lv_style_transition_dsc_t *va[742]lue, lv_style_selector_t selector)[743]
void lv_obj_set_style_blend_mode(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_blend_mode_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[744]
void lv_obj_set_style_layout(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, uint16_t value, lv_style_selector_t selector)[746][747]
void lv_obj_set_style_base_dir(struct _lv_obj_t *obj, lv_base_dir_t value, lv_style_sel[748]ector_t selector)[749]


void lv_style_set_width(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_t value)[750]
void lv_style_set_min_width(lv_style_t *style, lv_[751]coord_t value)[752]
void lv_style_set_max_width(lv_style_t *style, lv_coor[753]d_t value)[754]
void lv_style_set_height(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_t[755] value)[756]
void lv_style_set_min_height(lv_style_t *style, lv_[757]coord_t value)[758]
void lv_style_set_max_height(lv_style_t *style, lv_coor[759]d_t value)[760]
void lv_style_set_x(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_t value[761])[762]
void lv_style_set_y(lv_style_t *style, lv_coor[763]d_t value)[764]
void lv_style_set_align(lv_style_t *style, lv_[765]align_t value)[766]
void lv_style_set_transform_width(lv_style_t *styl[767]e, lv_coord_t value)[768]
void lv_style_set_transform_height(lv_style_t *style, lv_coo[769]rd_t value)[770]
void lv_style_set_translate_x(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_t v[771]alue)[772]
void lv_style_set_translate_y(lv_style_t *style, lv_coor[773]d_t value)[774]
void lv_style_set_transform_zoom(lv_style_t *style, lv_c[775]oord_t value)[776]
void lv_style_set_transform_angle(lv_style_t *style, lv_coo[777]rd_t value)[778]
void lv_style_set_pad_top(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_t valu[779]e)[780]
void lv_style_set_pad_bottom(lv_style_t *style, lv_c[781]oord_t value)[782]
void lv_style_set_pad_left(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_[783]t value)[784]
void lv_style_set_pad_right(lv_style_t *style, lv_coo[785]rd_t value)[786]
void lv_style_set_pad_row(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_[787]t value)[788]
void lv_style_set_pad_column(lv_style_t *style, lv_c[789]oord_t value)[790]
void lv_style_set_bg_color(lv_style_t *style, lv_color_[791]t value)[792]
void lv_style_set_bg_color_filtered(lv_style_t *style[793], lv_color_t value)[794]
void lv_style_set_bg_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t value)[795] [796]
void lv_style_set_bg_grad_color(lv_style_t *style[797], lv_color_t value)[798]
void lv_style_set_bg_grad_color_filtered(lv_style_t *style[799], lv_color_t value)[800]
void lv_style_set_bg_grad_dir(lv_style_t *style, lv_grad_dir_t valu[801]e)[802]
void lv_style_set_bg_main_stop(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_[803]t value)[804]
void lv_style_set_bg_grad_stop(lv_style_t *style, lv_coor[805]d_t value)[806]
void lv_style_set_bg_grad(lv_style_t *style, const lv_gra[807]d_dsc_t *value)[808]
void lv_style_set_bg_dither_mode(lv_style_t *style, lv_dither_[809]mode_t value)[810]
void lv_style_set_bg_img_src(lv_style_t *style, const void *value[811])[812]
void lv_style_set_bg_img_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t[813] value)[814]
void lv_style_set_bg_img_recolor(lv_style_t *style, l[815]v_color_t value)[816]
void lv_style_set_bg_img_recolor_filtered(lv_style_t *style[817], lv_color_t value)[818]
void lv_style_set_bg_img_recolor_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t val[819]ue)[820]
void lv_style_set_bg_img_tiled(lv_style_t *style, bool value)[821][822]
void lv_style_set_border_color(lv_style_t *style, l[823]v_color_t value)[824]
void lv_style_set_border_color_filtered(lv_style_t *style[825], lv_color_t value)[826]
void lv_style_set_border_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t value)[827] [828]
void lv_style_set_border_width(lv_style_t *style, lv_[829]coord_t value)[830]
void lv_style_set_border_side(lv_style_t *style, lv_borde[831]r_side_t value)[832]
void lv_style_set_border_post(lv_style_t *style, bool value)[833] [834]
void lv_style_set_outline_width(lv_style_t *style,[835] lv_coord_t value)[836]
void lv_style_set_outline_color(lv_style_t *style, lv_colo[837]r_t value)[838]
void lv_style_set_outline_color_filtered(lv_style_t *style[839], lv_color_t value)[840]
void lv_style_set_outline_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t value)[841] [842]
void lv_style_set_outline_pad(lv_style_t *style, lv_co[843]ord_t value)[844]
void lv_style_set_shadow_width(lv_style_t *style, lv_coo[845]rd_t value)[846]
void lv_style_set_shadow_ofs_x(lv_style_t *style, lv_coor[847]d_t value)[848]
void lv_style_set_shadow_ofs_y(lv_style_t *style, lv_coor[849]d_t value)[850]
void lv_style_set_shadow_spread(lv_style_t *style, lv_coo[851]rd_t value)[852]
void lv_style_set_shadow_color(lv_style_t *style, lv_color[853]_t value)[854]
void lv_style_set_shadow_color_filtered(lv_style_t *style[855], lv_color_t value)[856]
void lv_style_set_shadow_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t value)[857] [858]
void lv_style_set_img_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t[859] value)[860]
void lv_style_set_img_recolor(lv_style_t *style, l[861]v_color_t value)[862]
void lv_style_set_img_recolor_filtered(lv_style_t *style[863], lv_color_t value)[864]
void lv_style_set_img_recolor_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t val[865]ue)[866]
void lv_style_set_line_width(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_t[867] value)[868]
void lv_style_set_line_dash_width(lv_style_t *style, lv[869]_coord_t value)[870]
void lv_style_set_line_dash_gap(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_[871]t value)[872]
void lv_style_set_line_rounded(lv_style_t *style, bool val[873]ue)[874]
void lv_style_set_line_color(lv_style_t *style, lv_[875]color_t value)[876]
void lv_style_set_line_color_filtered(lv_style_t *style[877], lv_color_t value)[878]
void lv_style_set_line_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t value)[879] [880]
void lv_style_set_arc_width(lv_style_t *style, lv_c[881]oord_t value)[882]
void lv_style_set_arc_rounded(lv_style_t *style, bool [883]value)[884]
void lv_style_set_arc_color(lv_style_t *style, lv_[885]color_t value)[886]
void lv_style_set_arc_color_filtered(lv_style_t *style[887], lv_color_t value)[888]
void lv_style_set_arc_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t value)[889] [890]
void lv_style_set_arc_img_src(lv_style_t *style, c[891]onst void *value)[892]
void lv_style_set_text_color(lv_style_t *style, lv_color_[893]t value)[894]
void lv_style_set_text_color_filtered(lv_style_t *style[895], lv_color_t value)[896]
void lv_style_set_text_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t value)[897] [898]
void lv_style_set_text_font(lv_style_t *style, cons[899]t lv_font_t *value)[900]
void lv_style_set_text_letter_space(lv_style_t *style, lv_co[901]ord_t value)[902]
void lv_style_set_text_line_space(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_[903]t value)[904]
void lv_style_set_text_decor(lv_style_t *style, lv_text_deco[905]r_t value)[906]
void lv_style_set_text_align(lv_style_t *style, lv_text_alig[907]n_t value)[908]
void lv_style_set_radius(lv_style_t *style, lv_coord_t value[909])[910]
void lv_style_set_clip_corner(lv_style_t *style, bo[911]ol value)[912]
void lv_style_set_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t [913]value)[914]
void lv_style_set_color_filter_dsc(lv_style_t [915]*style, const lv_color_filter_dsc_t *value)[916]
void lv_style_set_color_filter_opa(lv_style_t *style, lv_opa_t value)[917]


void lv_style_set_anim_time(lv_style_t *style, uint32_t val[919]ue)[920]
void lv_style_set_anim_speed(lv_style_t *style, uint[921]32_t value)[922]
void lv_style_set_transition(lv_style_t *style, const[923] lv_style_transition_dsc_t *value)[924]
void lv_style_set_blend_mode(lv_style_t *style, lv_blend_mode_t value)[925]
void lv_style_set_layout(lv_style_t *style, uint16_t value)[927][928]
void lv_style_set_base_dir(lv_style_t *style, lv_[929]base_dir_t value)

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