App:Library:FabGL:Class List

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2022年3月21日 (月) 12:31時点におけるTakashi (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (ページの作成:「== [ Class List] == ここでは、クラス、構造体、共用体、インタフェースを簡単な説明とともに紹介し…」)
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Class List


CAltVirtualKeyDef Associates a virtualkey and various shift states (ctrl, alt, etc..) to another virtualkey
CBaseDisplayController Represents the base abstract class for all display controllers
CBitmap Represents an image
CBitmappedDisplayController Represents the base abstract class for bitmapped display controllers
CCanvas A class with a set of drawing methods
CCollisionDetector A class to detect sprites collisions
CCoreUsage This class helps to choice a core for intensive processing tasks
CCursor Defines a cursor
CDateTime Represents date and time
CDirItem FileBrowser item specificator
CDS3231 DS3231 Real Time Clock driver
CFileBrowser FileBrowser allows basic file system operations (dir, mkdir, remove and rename)
CGlyph Represents a glyph position, size and binary data
CGlyphOptions Specifies various glyph painting options
CI2C I2C class allows multiple tasks to communicate with I2C devices, serializing read/write jobs
Ci8080 Intel 8080 CPU emulator
CICMP ICMP Implementation
CILI9341Controller Implements ILI9341 display driver controller
CInputBox InputBox is an helper class which allows to create simple UI interfaces, like wizards or simple input boxes
CKeyboard The PS2 Keyboard controller class
CKeyboardLayout All in one structure to fully represent a keyboard layout
CLineEditor LineEditor is a single-line / multiple-rows editor which uses the Terminal object as input and output
CMCP23S17 MCP23S17 driver
CMOS6502 MOS 6502 CPU emulator
CMouse The PS2 Mouse controller class
CMouseButtons Describes mouse buttons status
CMouseDelta Describes mouse movement and buttons status
CMousePacket Contains raw data received from mouse
CMouseStatus Describes mouse absolute position, scroll wheel delta and buttons status
CNoiseWaveformGenerator Noise generator
CPaintOptions Specifies general paint options
CPoint Represents the coordinate of a point
CPS2Controller The PS2 device controller class
CPS2Device Base class for PS2 devices (like mouse or keyboard)
CRect Represents a rectangle
CRGB222 Represents a 6 bit RGB color
CRGB888 Represents a 24 bit RGB color
CRGBA2222 Represents an 8 bit ABGR color
CRGBA8888 Represents a 32 bit RGBA color
CSamplesGenerator Samples generator
CSawtoothWaveformGenerator Sawtooth waveform generator
CScene Scene is an abstract class useful to encapsulate functionalities of a scene (sprites, collision detector and updates)
CSineWaveformGenerator Sine waveform generator
CSize Represents a bidimensional size
CSoundGenerator SoundGenerator handles audio output
CSprite Represents a sprite
CSquareWaveformGenerator Square waveform generator
CSSD1306Controller Display driver for SSD1306 based OLED display, with I2C connection
CST7789Controller Implements ST7789 display driver controller
CTerminal An ANSI-VT100 compatible display terminal
CTerminalController TerminalController allows direct controlling of the Terminal object without using escape sequences
CTextualDisplayController Represents the base abstract class for textual display controllers
CTFTController Base abstract class for TFT drivers with SPI connection
CTriangleWaveformGenerator Triangle waveform generator
CuiAnchors Contains anchors enable/disable switches
CuiApp Represents the whole application base class
CuiAppProps Properties of the application
CuiButton Represents a button control. A button can have text and optionally a bitmap
CuiButtonStyle Contains the button style
CuiCheckBox Represents a checkbox or a radiobutton
CuiCheckBoxStyle Contains the checkbox style
CuiColorBox A color box is a control that shows a single color
CuiColorComboBox This is a combination of a color listbox and a colorbox
CuiColorListBox Shows a list of 16 colors, one selectable
CuiComboBox This is a combination of a listbox and a single-line editable textbox
CuiComboBoxProps Properties of the combobox
CuiComboBoxStyle Contains the listbox style
CuiControl This is the base class for all controls. A control can have focus and is not activable
CuiCustomComboBox This is a combination of a listbox and another component, base of all combobox components
CuiCustomListBox Shows generic a list of selectable items
CuiEvtHandler Base class of all UI elements that can receive events
CuiFileBrowser Shows and navigates Virtual Filesystem content
CuiFrame A frame is a window with a title bar, maximize/minimize/close buttons and that is resizeable or moveable
CuiFrameProps Properties of the frame
CuiFrameState Specifies current frame state
CuiImage Image control to display a static bitmap
CuiImageStyle Contains the image style
CuiKeyEventInfo Contains details about the key event
CuiLabel A label is a static text UI element
CuiLabelStyle Contains the label style
CuiListBox Shows a list of selectable string items
CuiListBoxProps Properties of the list box
CuiListBoxStyle Contains the listbox style
CuiMouseEventInfo Contains details about the mouse event
CuiObject Base class of all UI elements like windows and controls
CuiObjectType Specifies the object type
CuiPaintBox A paintbox control allows applications to perform custom drawings providing uiPaintBox.onPaint delegate. A paintbox can have horizontal and vertical scrollbars
CuiPaintBoxStyle Contains the paintbox style
CuiPanel A panel is used to contain and to group some controls
CuiPanelStyle Contains the panel style
CuiProgressBar A progress bar shows progress percentage using a colored bar
CuiProgressBarProps Properties of the progress bar
CuiProgressBarStyle Contains the progress bar style
CuiScrollableControl A scrollable control is a control with optionally vertical and/or horizontal scrollbars
CuiScrollableControlStyle Contains the scrollable control style
CuiSimpleMenu Shows a list of selectable string items. Selection is done clicking or pressing ENTER or SPACE key
CuiSlider A slider or track bar is a graphical control element with which a user may set a value by moving an indicator
CuiSliderStyle Contains the slider style
CuiSplitButton This is a combination of a button and a simple menu
CuiTextEdit Represents a text edit control
CuiTextEditProps Properties of the text edit
CuiTextEditStyle Sets or gets text edit style
CuiWindow Base class for all visible UI elements (Frames and Controls)
CuiWindowProps Contains some window options
CuiWindowState Specifies current window state
CuiWindowStyle Contains the window style
CVGA16Controller Represents the VGA 16 colors bitmapped controller
CVGA2Controller Represents the VGA 2 colors bitmapped controller
CVGA4Controller Represents the VGA 4 colors bitmapped controller
CVGA8Controller Represents the VGA 8 colors bitmapped controller
CVGAController Represents the VGA bitmapped controller
CVGADirectController Represents a base abstract class for direct draw VGA controller
CVGAPalettedController Represents the base class for paletted bitmapped controllers like VGA16Controller, VGA8Controller, etc.
CVGATextController Represents the VGA text-only controller
CVGATimings Specifies the VGA timings. This is a modeline decoded
CVIA6522 VIA 6522 emulator
CVICNoiseGenerator Emulates VIC6561 (VIC20) noise generator
CVirtualKeyDef Associates scancode to virtualkey
CVirtualKeyItem A struct which contains a virtual key, key state and associated scan code
CWaveformGenerator Base abstract class for waveform generators. A waveform generator can be seen as an audio channel that will be mixed by SoundGenerator
CZ80 Zilog Z80 CPU emulator
